Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Iran must be contained

Iran must be contained

In this article which is published in American Thinker explain that how must be Iran contained.
In the first paragraph explain that:
The new White House with President Donald Trump at the help has rightfully placed Iran “on notice.” Washington also responded with a new round of sanctions after Tehran’s January 29th ballistic missile test, in defiance of a United Nations Security Council resolution in relation to the controversial Iran nuclear deal.
In line with these measures, the U.S. should take the long overdue action of designating the IRGC, as the main element behind Iran’s nuclear program, warmongering across the region, and domestic crackdown, as a foreign terrorist organization.
This would be the first major ultimatum the mullahs have received in a long time. And rest assured, as the senior Iranian regime leadership have toned down their rhetoric in response to President Donald Trump taking office, they will fully understand the meaning of the IRGC blacklisting.
This is how the regime is contained, without firing a single bullet, and all the while weakening the very force that is preventing the Iranian people from voicing their demands for regime change to establish a free and democratic Iran.

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